Big encyclopedia of oil and gas. Practical tasks and exercises on phonetics and spelling

1. In what word does it occur?stunthe indicated consonant?

AND:southern, book, spring, hot

IN : turn, inhale, check, let in

D:inscription, pillow, door, tear

B : chop off, box, beard, collection

G:thunder, weather, disappeared, threshold

Z : slippery, through, sultry, take it

2. In what word does it occur?voicingthe indicated consonant?

TO : show, station, red, sprout

T:threshing, hundred, ten, coup

WITH:month, change, song, descent

3. In each row find the word in whichthe consonant letter does not match the sound.

A)healthy, pillow, soft, shooting

b) today,evening, lingonberry, hut

c) final, of course, epigraph, flag

4. In each row, find the word in which it occursprolapseconsonant.

a) crazy, basketball, too much, astronaut

b) fairy tale, society,stormy, sunny

c) boletus, bulky, air conditioning, festival

d) from everywhere, feel, medicine, conflict

d) maple, sun, gun, tent

5. In each row find the word in whichthere is a sound Sh.

a) battle, landscape, spring, hot

b) gloves, suitcase, mail

c) scrambled eggs, grumble, trifle, medical

d) champion, get, jump, birdhouse

6. In each row find the word in whichthere is a sound

a) spring, fireman, man, curly

b)sandy, heart, read, glove

c) scout, cab driver, daring, sighted

7. In each row find the word in whichthere is a sound C.

a) pours, education,nautical, pride

b) useful, disadvantage, stand, riddle

c) bad weather, Soviet, festive, staff

8. In each row, find a word in which the letterRgives a soft sound.

a) mole, forward, picture, check

b) debater, February, truth, fire

c) carrots, trumpet, blizzard, order

9. In each row, find a word in which the letterN gives a soft sound.

a) wonderfullazy, top, muffler

b) bath attendant, clearing, shout, canvas

c) night, son, donut, antenna

d) sun, spring,useful, apple tree

10. In each row find the word in whichthere is sound[ Z ].

a) daringdisease,pdetour, umbrella

b) trap, cutter, birch, request

c) all-terrain vehicle, corn, healthy, slippery

d) compress, make, building, burned

11. In each row find the word in whichall consonants are soft.

a) leaf, quiet, food, latitude

b) target, victory, war, ten

c) life, finish, seagulls, earth12. In each row find the word in whichall consonants are hard.

a) spring, cheeks, through, better

b) sentry, task, figure, dough

c) kitten, belly, mitten, too much

Preparing for task A 4 . Practice (gladark sounds)

Task 1.In each group, find a word in which the vowel isdoesn't match the sound.

1. depth, enchantment, pull, shepherd

2. grain, minute, sofa, binoculars

3. guitar, book, boot, bruise

4. participant, former, pencil, thicket

5. harvest, law, garage, ball

Task 2.What words contain the letters E, E, Yu, I give two sounds?

1. plus, cabin, love, cranberry

2. silk, film, tears, curls

3. anchor, blot, dancing, clearing

4. cell, border, river, entrance

5. officer, ate, gray-haired, turn yellow

Preparing for task A4

(which affects the number of letters and sounds in a word)

Case 1. There are more sounds than letters. This is possible when the word contains the letters E, E, Yu , I who can give 2 sounds. Read more about this For example, in a wordCHRISTMAS TREE4 letters, but 5 sounds, because... letterYomakes two sounds because it is at the beginning of a word.

Case 2. There are more letters than sounds.

This is possible if: A) there is in the word unpronounceable consonants, which fall out, i.e. don't make any sound. For example:in a wordGRUS T NYThere are 8 letters and 7 sounds, because letterTfalls out. b) the word contains b or b, which do not make any sound. For example: in a word FLAX b 4 letters and 3 sounds. V) in the word eats bdouble consonants which give 1 sound . For example: in a wordKLA SS5 letters and 4 sounds. G) in the word eats bcombinations of 2 or 3 letters making one sound (Let me remind you: combinations of MF, AF (ZCH), ZhCh give the sound [ Ш ]; and combinations of TS and DS give the sound [Ts]). For example:in a wordGRU AF IR7 letters and 6 sounds; in a word DE TS TVO7 letters, 6 sounds.

Please note that in the Russian language there are words in which the number of letters and sounds is equalized due to compensation.

For example,in a wordANCHORThere are 5 letters and there are also 5 sounds, because... it also contains Case 1, And Case 2(point b). That isletterI makes two sounds, because stands at the beginning of a word, but b makes no sound. Compensation occurs: the number of letters and sounds is equalized.

Training exercises – task A4

Indicate the erroneous judgment:


1) The word DANGEROUS has three syllables.

2) In the word PLATFORM there is only a consonant sound [ Ш ] is soft.

3) In the word LAY, the consonant is stunned.

4) In the word DEPARTURE, the number of sounds and letters coincides.

Option 2

1) In the word HELLO, the consonant sound [B] is not pronounced.

2) In the word THOUSANDS, the consonant sound [ H ] is soft.

3) In the word SO that the first consonant sound is [Ш].

4) In the word APPEARED, the number of sounds and letters coincides.


1) In the word SOON, all consonant sounds are unvoiced.

2) In the word MOVE the softness of the consonant [ L

3) At the end of the word VIEW, the consonant is stunned.

4) The word KAYOMKU has more sounds than letters.


1) In the word SEEN, all consonant sounds are soft.

2) In the word Ledum the softness of the consonant [ L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

3) In the word DISAPPEARED, all consonant sounds are unvoiced.

4) The word ENTRANCE has more letters than sounds.


1) In the word SURFACE, the consonant T is not pronounced.

2) In the word TRIED, all consonant sounds are unvoiced.

3) In the word BOY, the softness of the consonant [ L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

4) In the word CAREER the number of letters and sounds is the same.


1) In the word KNOWN, the consonant T is not pronounced.

2) In the word REPEATED, the consonant sound [B] is deafened before the voiceless sound.

3) In the word CONVINCINGLY, the softness of the consonant [ L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

4) In the word EXERCISES, the number of letters and sounds coincides.


1) The word LATE has fewer sounds than letters.

2) At the end of the word SKLAD, the consonant is stunned.

3) In the word SERENKOY the softness of the consonant [N ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

4) In the word EXPLAINED, all consonant sounds are voiced.


1) In the word OWN, the letter E means two sounds.

2) In the word ELDERLY, all consonant sounds are hard.

3) In the word SEVERAL the softness of the consonant [ L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

4) At the end of the word EYE the sound [S] is pronounced.


1) In the word JOYFULLY, the consonant T is not pronounced.

2) In the word JUMPED the first sound [F].

3) In the word FINGERS the softness of the consonant [L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.

4) The word RISED up has more sounds than letters.


1) In the word FROZEN, all consonant sounds are voiced.

2) In a JAPANESE word, the number of letters and sounds is the same.

3) In the word LISTENED the first sound [F].

4) In the word BITTER the softness of the consonant [ R ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.


1) In the word HEART, the consonant D is not pronounced.

2) In the word REMEMBERING, the first sound is [F].

3) The word HAPPINESS has two syllables.

4) In the word VVELA the number of letters and sounds is the same.


1) In the word VALORANT, the consonant T is not pronounced.

2) At the end of the word EYE, the consonant sound [З] is deafened.

3) The word WEEDS has 7 sounds.

4) In the word MYALO the number of letters and sounds is the same.


1) In the word PEOPLE, all consonant sounds are hard.

2) The word THINK has more letters than sounds.

3) In the word SENSATIONS, the letter I stands for two sounds. 4) In the word LANGUAGE, the letter I stands for two sounds.


1) In the word CAN, the letter Z is a hard consonant sound.

2) In the word COURSE, in place of the combination CN, [ШН] is pronounced.

3) The word GRANDIOUS has more letters than sounds. 4) In the word CULTURE, the softness of the consonant [L ] in writing is indicated by the letter b.


1) In the word FADED, the letter I means two sounds.

2) In the word FAILURE the letter [ H ] is a soft consonant. 3) The word CURLYKAN has fewer sounds than letters. 4) In the word MADE the first sound is [ Z ] .


1) In the word MACHINE, the letter Ш is a hard consonant sound.

2) The word “ZHIGULI” has fewer sounds than letters. 3) In the word MEN, the combination of letters ЖЧ is pronounced as the sound [ Ш ]. 4) The word POWERFUL has three voiced consonant sounds.


1) In the word SPEEDOMETER the softness of the consonant [ M ] on the letter is indicated by the letter E.

2) In the word HOLIDAYS, the consonant sound [D] is unpronounceable. 3) In the word PSYCHOTHERAPY there are fewer sounds than letters. 4) The word REVIVED has three hard consonant sounds.


1) In the word CRANES, all consonant sounds are soft.

2) In the word KNOWN, the consonant sound [T] is unpronounceable. 3) In the word DEFINING, there are two voiceless consonant sounds. 4) In the word IMPACT, there are more sounds than letters.


1) The word CONSEQUENTLY has fewer sounds than letters.

2) The word VIRTUOSO has only one unvoiced consonant sound. 3) In the word TIMELESS all consonant sounds are voiced. 4) In the word CONCLUSION the number of letters and sounds coincides.


1) In the word HEART, the consonant sound [D] is unpronounceable.

2) The word POWERFUL has two hard consonant sounds. 3) The word CONSTRUCTION has more sounds than letters. 4) The word MOVE forward has more letters than sounds.

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Phonetic exercises for each lesson, entitled Phonetic Drill, are designed for the student’s ability to independently read a word, guided by reading rules or transcription. Therefore, they are read by the teacher onto a magnetic tape as follows: a pause during which the student reads the word from the textbook, a sample word for listening, a pause for repetition, and again a sample word so that the student retains the correct sound of the foreign word in his memory.  

Phonetic exercises help students develop correct articulation skills for pronouncing new words, learn to carry out their sound-letter analysis, and repeat the rules of reading.  

Phonetic exercises given in homework, as well as texts and words to texts, should be recorded on a magnetic tape, which is listened to by students in the language laboratory when doing homework.  

Complete phonetic exercises for this paragraph, guided by the rules set out in it. Exercises should be performed out loud, monitoring the work of the speech organs and strictly following the rules of stress in words and sentences.  

Suppose you are doing phonetic exercises and must reproduce what you hear, while forming the most fundamental mechanism of speech activity. For the successful emergence of an auditory image, your attention must be focused on the sounded segment and on reproducing it out loud without errors.  

Read the reading rules carefully and do phonetic exercises. Then also carefully read the grammatical explanations, complete the training exercises and check the correctness of their execution according to the key.  

When working on the text, adhere to the following order: first read the phonetic exercises that precede the text of the lesson, and then the text of the lesson itself.  

You should start working with the textbook after completing an introductory or refresher phonetics course; Special phonetic exercises are not included in this textbook.  

A phonetic reference book containing brief information on the articulation of the most difficult sounds, rules for reading vowels and consonants, basic information about the intonation of a German sentence and phonetic exercises.  

For example, memorizing a text or dialogue is an excellent way to develop your memory, which deteriorates with age and requires training. Phonetic exercises are the correction of your diction, the development of the ability to speak with expression, correctly placing logical stresses, this is a way to get rid of the monotony of speech.  

Pronouncing sounds according to their designation is the first major difficulty in learning a foreign language. This is especially true for a part-time student. The student must learn to use the organs of speech differently than in their native language and remember exactly what shape this or that sound corresponds to. Therefore, in order to learn to read in foreign language, memorize the letters and their various combinations and learn how to pronounce the corresponding sounds. The pronunciation of individual sounds and their combinations is given in the textbook in the corresponding Russian letters, indicating the difference in pronunciation in German and Russian; in cases where the Russian alphabet does not have a corresponding letter for a given sound, a conventional sign is taken to convey it. Indication of foreign pronunciation (in in this case German) words with letters from a foreign or native (in this case Russian) language, as well as conventional signs that complement the letters of the foreign or native language, is called transcription. An introductory phonetic course and phonetic exercises for the first five lessons of the textbook are devoted to issues of pronunciation (phonetics).  

Pages:      1

The formation of stable auditory and pronunciation skills is a long process, so work on pronunciation should take place not only at the initial, but also at all subsequent stages of education.

Exercises aimed at developing auditory and pronunciation skills are usually divided into two large groups: a) listening exercises and b) reproduction exercises. These two groups are closely related to each other, and they are both necessary for the development of both auditory and pronunciation skills.^

a) Listening exercises. The number of types of actual phonetic exercises in listening is relatively small (the development of auditory skills is carried out by performing exercises in listening), and all of them are aimed primarily at the development of phonetic hearing and the establishment of differential characteristics of studied or repeated (at the middle and senior levels) phonemes and intonemes.

Listening must be active, so it should always be accompanied by a task that concentrates voluntary attention student on a certain characteristic of a phoneme or intoneme.

Exercises can only be performed by ear and using graphic support (printed text).

As an example of the first exercises, the following tasks can be given:

Listen to a series of sounds/words, raise your hand when you hear the sound [...]; listen to pairs of sounds and raise your hand when both sounds of the pair are the same; listen to the sentence and say how many times the sound [...] occurs in it; listen to the sentences, raise your hand when you hear an interrogative (declarative, unfinished, etc.) sentence; listen to the sentences and determine how many syntagmas (beats, stress) are in each; etc. Exercises performed with graphic support can look like this:

In a row of words (phrases, sentences), underline the one that the teacher/speaker pronounces; only one word/sentence is pronounced from each row; Underline in the sentence/text the words that are emphasized in the speech of the teacher/speaker; indicate with dashes the idiosyncrasies in the sentences/text that you hear; underline the words in which the teacher/speaker's voice rises; etc.

As can be seen from the examples given, many exercises can be performed with a tape recorder. The advantage of using a tape recorder is that it allows you to control the pace of your work; thus, the natural conditions for the perception of spoken speech are reproduced (according to most methodologists, all recordings from the very beginning should be given at the normal pace of oral speech). While accustoming students to simultaneous (holistic, instantaneous) recognition of language units, the tape recorder at the same time makes it possible to repeat the exercise as many times as necessary for its error-free execution.

It should be remembered, however, that everyone new look The task is first completed based on the perception of the teacher’s speech, and only after students successfully complete it can they move on to similar exercises using phonograms.

b) Exercises in reproduction. The effectiveness of this group of exercises aimed at developing students’ actual pronunciation skills increases significantly if reproduction is preceded by listening to a sample, regardless of whether new material or repeats previously studied.

The material for these exercises are individual sounds,

syllables, words, phrases, sentences. It can be organized according to the principle of analogy (all examples contain the same attribute), according to the principle of opposition (examples are selected so that they contrast a certain attribute), or given in an arbitrary sequence. In the first two cases, the exercises perform a training function, in the last - mainly a control one (and in this case there is no sample for preliminary listening). Examples of tasks performed by ear (without relying on printed text):

Pronounce sounds (syllables/words/combinations/sentences), paying attention to...

(sign indicated) following the teacher/speaker51; remember words containing the sound “[...]; repeat the sentence, adding to it the word suggested by the teacher; etc.

The same exercises can be performed with visual support. In addition, the following can be mentioned:

Place accents/pauses in sentences and read them out loud; read the sentences aloud, changing the intonation "(logical stress); read several sentences using a substitution table, maintaining a single rhythmic and intonation pattern in them; etc.

In addition to special exercises for staging, maintaining and improving students’ pronunciation, memorizing tongue twisters, rhymes, poems, dialogues, passages of prose and reading aloud passages from texts studied “from a textbook” are widely used. These types of work have two goals: to achieve, firstly , maximum correctness of pronunciation and, secondly, its fluency. Accordingly, two stages of work are distinguished. At the first, the text is learned under the guidance of a teacher and in a language laboratory (with a tape recorder). As a result, students receive a grade for correct reading. the second stage of work, aimed at accelerating the reading of an already learned dialogue/poem/excerpt from a text: the student is required not only to have correct, but also fluent pronunciation. The student is told the time52 it should take to read aloud the corresponding text, and he practices either independently or in a language laboratory (where he reads the text aloud behind a speaker in pauses of strictly limited duration). The student receives a positive reading grade if he/she meets the target time while maintaining correct pronunciation.

After this, the corresponding dialogue/passage or poem is assigned to be learned by heart, but if the material was intended only for reading aloud, then the work is considered completed.

Reading aloud and memorizing will only give tangible results if you achieve the most correct pronunciation every time. Therefore, it is recommended to select small passages (yes, 10-12 lines), work with which must necessarily go through both stages.

The exercises listed above and similar ones are used at all levels of education, although their purpose is somewhat different: at the initial stage, their main purpose is to develop students’ auditory and pronunciation skills, and therefore their share among other exercises is quite significant; at the middle and senior levels they are aimed at maintaining and improving these skills, as well as preventing mistakes. Therefore, they should be performed when mastering new language material, before appropriate exercises in oral speech and before reading texts. For the same purposes, at the beginning of each lesson, it is recommended to carry out so-called phonetic exercises, in which the teacher includes the most phonetically difficult material from the upcoming lesson: one or another rhythmic-ptonation model, a group of sounds, etc. The exercise may include one or two tasks of the above types, which are performed by students and the choir, and in turn.

Monitoring of auditory and pronunciation skills is carried out when students perform speech exercises - in listening and when speaking or reading aloud unprepared in advance, since only in this case can one objectively judge the degree of practical proficiency in them.

When assessing the correctness of a student's speech, one should distinguish between phonetic and phonological errors. The former distort the sound quality, but do not violate the meaning of the statement; the second - distort the content of the statement and thereby make the speech incomprehensible to the interlocutor. In accordance with the accepted approximation, the presence of errors of the first type is allowed in the student’s speech and is not taken into account when assessing the answer, while phonological errors are regarded as a violation of the correctness of speech.

To achieve perfect pronunciation, you need to practice. Daily practice in mastering every sound, word and entire phrases is the path to perfect English speech.

Phonetic exercises for English language sometimes a tedious task. After repeating it a couple of times, you want to throw away the textbook and do something more enjoyable. But you shouldn't do this. You can simply diversify the reading process.

Use audio recording (see bottom of article), listen, repeat. This is such a convenient and amazing thing! Do you eat in the car, or maybe on the subway, or cook lunch? Play English phonics exercises on either the receiver or player and you'll see how the sounds become memorized on their own. All you have to do is speak and repeat.

You can use online lessons, where everything is presented in a fun way.

Read individual words and phrases doesn't last very long Gradually move on to texts. So, you will be interested in finding out the meaning, reading to the end, and at the same time, pronunciation skills will be practiced.

Phonetics for children In no case should it get boring. While an adult can still tolerate tedious reading, children cannot. Use all possible ways to attract your child to exercise: entertaining games, fun tasks, unusual stories.

In schools, kindergartens and courses, any lesson begins with warm-ups speech apparatus. Here, as in singing, you need to tune in and sing. Phonetic exercises will help you pronounce these foreign words easier in class.

Children are also introduced to sounds, the pronunciation of which is sometimes difficult. That's why phonetic exercise in English for children it occupies one of the most important places in the lesson. All this can be done in a boring way: open a textbook and read a few words, maybe even phrases. It’s better to turn the whole process into something interesting: funny song, a short poem, funny tongue twister, repetition after some fairy-tale hero.

Each phonetic exercise used to develop specific skills. With that in mind, let's look at some subgroups.

  • Development phonemic hearing or, more simply put, exercises aimed at understanding English speech. These types of tasks should preferably be accompanied by an audio recording. For example, children will be interested in the following games:

Game "Please»:

The teacher organizes a game in which he pronounces phrases. Children should follow only those commands that the teacher asks for politely - with the word “please”. If one of the students makes a mistake, he drops out.

“Please, say [o], children: [o], say [p], silence, please, say “mother”, repeat, please - and so on, depending on the sounds that need to be practiced.”

"It can fly":

The teacher reads the text. When children hear the name of an animal that can fly (swim, run, etc.), they should either stand up or clap their hands.

For adults we can offer the following system that will help them learn to understand English speech by ear.

  1. Listen to syllables, words and sentences from different audio recordings, and note for yourself female, male and children's voices.
  2. Orally divide the word you heard into syllables, then into sounds, name them.
  3. Listen to the words and write down those that can rhyme.
  4. Count how many words are in the sentences you listened to.
  5. Identify by ear and write down the last word in each sentence.

So, it is better to introduce children to sounds with the help of « Tales of the Tongue « , where everything is detailed and in game form described. For example: “Mr. Tongue woke up at dawn, jumped out of his warm bed, and the house was so cold that he froze. Mr. Tongue is shaking from the cold. We place the tongue on the tubercles behind the upper teeth and shake together. Like this: [d], [d], [d]! But suddenly, the tongue heard the sounds: ! What is this? Creeping into the bathtub, he saw that it was just water dripping, which he had poorly closed yesterday. How does the water drip? Let's try it. We place the tongue on the tubercles behind the upper teeth: [t], [t], [t]!”

Games to practice learned sounds:


Children are presented with a drawing and asked to name a certain number of objects starting with a given letter. For example, the Teacher calls out the sound “b” while simultaneously showing a card with that letter to the children. The one who is the first to find 10 words that begin with the letter “B” wins.


Students temporarily become “wizards” and use “sound” magic to replace one object with another, by changing letters and sounds to create a new word. “Let's turn the cat into a hat! What did we get? Cat - Hat! You and I changed the sound [k] to the sound [h], remember and write down the transcription.”

For adults, you can use counting rhymes, tongue twisters, and rhymes. Exercises in which you need to insert the missing sound are considered very effective.

  • The next subgroup consists exercises aimed at practicing intonation and stress.

Here, audio lessons, poems, tongue twisters, proverbs and sayings are useful for both children and adults.

Rain by R.L. Stevenson (this poem is very good for practicing rhythm)

The rain is raining all around,
It falls on field and tree.
It rains on the umbrella here,
And on the ships at sea.

You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. This proverb fits perfectly with phonetic exercises in English. After all, without training it is impossible to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly and beautifully, connect words and display the melody of the language.

Russian alphabet

Russian Letter

Name Letters in Russian


Transliteration 1


"ee kratkoyeh" "short ee"

"tvyordiy znahk" "hard sign"

"myagkeey znahk" "soft sign"

The Russian alphabet contains 33 letters: 21 consonants, 10 vowels, and two letters that do not have a sound - a hard sign and a soft sign.

Russian alphabet Handwritten letters of the Russian alphabet:

Russian keyboard:

<< Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь

Russian alphabet and letter names

[and short]

[hard sign]

[soft sign]

The unknown about the known To convey sounds in Russian writing, special signs are used - letters. A set of letters arranged in a certain sequence is alphabet.

Based on the style, the following types of letter signs are distinguished:

    large (capital, lowercase) and small (lowercase) For example: IN And V, AND And and

    printed and handwritten For example: B and B, b and b, A and A, and A The letters of the Russian alphabet are divided into 3 groups:

    • 10 vowel letters: a, o, y, s, e, i, e, e, yu, and;

      consonants - 21: b, c, d, d, j, g, h, j, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, sch;

      2 letters that do not represent sounds: ь, ъ.

There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet.

A little about phonetics Phonetics is a branch of the science of language in which the sounds of a language, stress, and syllables are studied.

Formation of language sounds The sounds of the tongue are formed in the speech apparatus when air is exhaled. The speech apparatus includes the larynx with vocal cords, oral and nasal cavities, tongue, lips, teeth, and palate.

In the speech apparatus, exhaled air passes through the larynx between tense vocal cords and through the oral cavity, which can change its shape. This is how they are formed vowel sounds. They consist only of voice. Exhaled air can meet a barrier in the oral cavity in the form of a bow or convergence of the speech organs and exit either through the mouth or through the nose. This is how they are formed consonants. They are made up of noise, and some are made up of voice and noise.

Vowel sounds In Russian the main languages, i.e. There are 6 vowel sounds under stress: [a], [o], [u], [e], [i], [s].,br> Vowel sounds can be stressed or unstressed.

Consonants Consonants in the Russian language are divided into hard and soft, voiced and voiceless.

Paired and unpaired consonants by hardness/softness

Voiced and voiceless consonants are paired and unpaired

Paired and unpaired consonants according to voicedness/voicelessness

A voiced consonant at the end of a word and before a voiceless consonant is replaced by its paired voiceless one. This replacement is called stunning.

A voiceless consonant before a voiced consonant (except l, p, m, n, th) is replaced by its paired voiced consonant. This replacement is called voicing a consonant.

Perhaps, only after reading this material can one find undoubted confirmation of the phrase about the wealth and power of the Russian language. Only such a language with its unique phonetics can have such a rich and powerful vocabulary.

Phonetics of the Russian language for foreigners | Russian alphabet | Pronunciation of sounds | Phonetic exercises

Russian alphabet for foreigners: Often, not only foreigners starting to learn Russian, but also advanced-level foreigners cannot correctly pronounce some Russian sounds. We'll talk about which letters of the Russian alphabet cause difficulties for foreigners, we will give recommendations for teachers on how to teach phonetics of the Russian language, what phonetic exercises should foreigners do? and what difficulties may arise when performing them, we will separately talk about those that cause the greatest difficulties for foreigners.

Russian as a foreign language How to teach Russian pronunciation: letters and sounds Lessons for teachers of Russian as a foreign language (rki)

For foreigners starting to learn Russian difficulty in learning the Russian alphabet and Russian phonetics is that almost all letters of the Russian alphabet can denote several different sounds, for example: the letter E can denote the sounds [E], [YE], [I], and sometimes even the letter E can denote the sound [Y] ( after the consonants Zh, Sh, Ts without stress: price, wife).

Pronunciation setting– this is another difficulty for teachers of Russian as a foreign language when teaching Russian to both beginners and foreigners continuing to study Russian. Below are recommendations: how to pronounce Russian sounds in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language.

Rules for staging Russian sounds. Teaching phonetics of the Russian language

Phonetics of the Russian language for foreigners: work on staging any sound of the Russian language we need to start with establishing phonemic hearing, i.e. First you need to get the foreigner to distinguish sounds by ear. This is important because many Russian sounds sound the same to foreigners. For example, if your student says “grandfather” instead of “girl”, and when you correct him, he replies that he said so, then this means that your student does not distinguish between the sounds [D] and [V] by ear; they are for they sound the same.

In order for foreigners to learn to distinguish sounds by ear, we recommend doing the following exercises:

Exercise “Game with cards”:

1. Take two sheets of paper, write on them the sounds that you will practice. For example, we write D on one sheet of paper, and V on the other. Let’s give these cards to the foreigner. The teacher pronounces the sounds [D] and [V] in random order, and the foreigner must pick up the corresponding card. Of course, the teacher must tell the foreigner if he makes a mistake.

2. Then the teacher pronounces syllables, for example: wa - yes, du - wu, ava - ada, etc., and the foreigner must raise the “D” card or the “B” card.

Exercise “Phonetic dictation”:

The teacher dictates sounds, syllables, words to the student, and the foreigner writes down what he hears.

Please note that in the exercise “Game with cards” and “Phonetic dictation”, when practicing consonant sounds, you do not need to dictate words that end in voiced paired consonant letters (B, V, G, D, Zh, Z), because When pronounced at the end of a word, voiced paired consonants are deafened. For example, if you dictate to a foreigner “bow”, “meadow”, then the foreigner will write down “bow”, “bow”, because “meadow” is pronounced “lu[K]”, and your foreign student will not make a mistake, because This is a phonetic, not a spelling dictation.

When a foreigner begins to distinguish Russian sounds by ear, the teacher can already change places with the foreigner, i.e. the teacher shows the card, and the foreigner says what is written. At this stage, another problem arises: a foreigner hears and understands how a Russian sound should sound, but cannot pronounce it correctly. The greatest difficulties for foreigners arise when pronouncing the following sounds: [Y], [Y], [R], [F], [C], [SH], [SH]. Below we will look at the rules for producing these sounds and give recommendations on how to explain Russian phonetics to foreigners, and how to conduct phonetic exercises for foreigners.